Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine

My Husband surprised me by bringing flowers for Valentines Day on Friday last week. I prefer that he give them to me in person, at home, rather than have them delivered to the office. It is always so awkard kissing the delivery person, don't you think? I know some women enjoy  the show off factor, but to be truly romantic I prefer a private moment with my sweetie.

It was my turn to feed this morning, and so I pulled on the muck boots, and brought work shoes. I have tried being careful when in the barn, only to find hay on the floor in my office. It was above freezing today, so the mud was also a factor.
A little after seven am, I entered the barn and Pippi was waiting - Impatiently! A big harrumph escaped her, and I swear she shook her head in disgust. Kevin feeds the mini's around 6:30am, and although he gives her a handful of hay, it must be hard to watch Chance chow down on grain while she waits for her sleepy humans to finally make it down. Sigh!
I grabbed her hay, let her get a bite and threw it in the corner. She turned towards it, bent to eat, and I checked on her water buckets before turning to go get her grain. I ran my hand down her neck and said "Happy Valentines Day, Pippi," and she lifted her head. Looked at me, and stepped in close. Her head went over my shoulder, across and down my back and she held me there for a moment in the warm embrace of her neck. A deep sigh escaped me, she lifted her head, looked at me, and nudged me gently towards the door with her muzzle. "The moment is over Human, go get my grain now." (She is so smart, she always knows first when the hug is over. )

In the car I noticed that I had hay in my hair.

Happy Valentines Day everyone.

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