Thursday, February 16, 2012

Miranda's photos - and self motivations!

Since I have not done any riding, or even hanging out at the barn, lately, I will just go ahead and take advantage of my daughters work. Hey now, I made the kid, allowing me to use her photography is the least she can do. I HAVE STRETCHMARKS from that kid!!!

Pippi looks about ready to go inside here.

Pippi in front of her little barn.

Huge stride for such a little mare.
Pippi is only 15 hands, 1100 pounds (we think), but she sure can stretch those legs out. When we first found her, I would see her at liberty and I just knew she would be a great Hunter/Jumper. She glides, and flows; like an equine waltz.

My next lesson is Monday, and I need to really kick it in gear. Amy, at A Work in Progress, has some pics on her Facebook that really inspires me to get my lazy, fearful, chickenshit, ass moving. I never thought of myself as a chickenshit person until I started riding.
I mean I have stood toe-to-toe with the "Queens (and Kings) of The White Trash People" in moments that were Jerry Springer worthy. One Tenant Wrote "F$%# YOU" on the wall in one of the apartments using his own poop. (I know, how stupid do you have to be? Why use and touch your own crap, when a permanent marker is harder to remove? The Site Manager felt awful for me, and I felt awful for her. I mean; I was not the one who had to clean that up.)

I've got some stories!

But I hope to have stories of how I jumped my horse. Stories of my first time doing more than a step-step-hop over crossrails. And I will!


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