Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Horse for the horse's sake

I think as we ride and train, and make plans for the show season, and day dream about perfect canter departs and smiles all around, it is important to remember that the horse doesn't give a hoot about ribbons or any of that crap!

A few years ago I came across a great documentary, and just this morning as I was watching the video of that rider punishing her horse for stumbling ,I remembered it. And I thought I would watch the documentary again to remind myself of the magic, of the horse and of my responsibility to my horse. I don't agree with everything mentioned, but after watching it I can't help but feel humbled.

Pippi doesn't care about ribbons, or first place, or Regionals, or where her head is placed, or how long her stride is. She does it all for me. Because she is kind, and caring, she does all these things that she doesn't understand, doesn't see the value in, and/or finds annoying. She does it not because I force her, but because I ask. Isn't that just amazing? How long would your best friend (the human ones) do something they saw no value in, for you? How long would you do it for them? A few minutes? A day or two? 3-4 days a week? and then sacrifice weekends when all you really wanted was to hang out and chill? When all you really want is green grass, sunshine and a friend or two dozing in a warm breeze? Would you give up a trip to the beach to exercise for hours in the heat after a long and cramped journey, for your friend?

Clearly I am over simplifying here, but I just think we need to be reminded often of the magic gift our horses give to us. Go hug your horse and say thank you, today and every day!

Here is the Video:

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