Monday, February 1, 2016

Diagonal Advanced Placement (DAP)- Desireable trait or Gait Fault?

A video by Barbara Schulte has been making the rounds showing stills from the Dressage Breeding stallions at the trot, and showing clearly a One Legged Trot. Here is the video: has a long, but very worthwhile, article explaining the gait and its possible consequences for the movement and the discipline of dressage: "DAP for Beginners:Where to Land" 

After reading and watching and thinking about it; no wonder my little Paint mare looks so different at the trot than these horses. Here is a Picture of Pippi mid stride: 

I would never compare Pippi to a Dressage Stallion, but the thing is; if the dressage ideal (thereby what the judges look for) is set after a gait that is not a two beat trot, I feel better about falling short of that ideal. It's not just that they are built different, and have more lift, they are landing on one leg! In other words; we are not at fault! Carry on Non-Traditional, yet traditional trotting, breeds, Carry ON! 

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