Friday, March 22, 2019

Love yourself to Betterment!

This is what I am working towards. I never realized that loving my body had to come first, before the taking care of it with exercise etc. I thought I’d love it when/if I got fit and it looked better to me. But that mindset was faulty, and it never was a strong enough force to spur me to work on it. But taking care of something you love; that is a powerful drive.#newjourney #loveyourself #takecareofyou#poweredbylove

How do you feel about your physical self?

I know..... even the question makes me tired. My mind shuts down in some instinctual protective way, to shield me from the pain of answering, and delving into this pool of dismay. And why is that? Why is it that we run from doing our own harsh self assessments? If I asked a friend that question, I think her answer would be: "I know I shouldn't feel this way, but...."

What are the chances that the end of that sentence, is: "....., but I love it!" Yeah right..... More likely she would say: "I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I just feel so fat." Or "out of shape," or any other less than positive description.

I asked a few friends just to make sure I was on the right track, and here are their answers:

"Fat Belly."

"Lazy" same person: "Is that a good answer?"

"Meh. Need to be in better physical shape."

I'm not sure why I started pondering my own feelings about my own body. Last year I turned 48. I also lost a person that was essentially important to me, and the idea that I was taking my health for granted took root. Being an overthinker, I did that. Coming out of the shower one day, I looked at myself in a full length mirror and felt nothing good. I looked at myself for a long time, and thought

 "what is wrong with you?" 

My body works as designed. I was given this perfectly great body that works just like it needs to, and I am taking it for granted. Worse than that; I am squandering it by not celebrating my good fortune, and by not caring for it well.

"Well that's no good" I thought. Over the next few weeks the feeling persisted. I was not caring well for my body. I didn't exercise enough, and I was unwilling to make any real sacrifices for the benefit of my health. I ate crap foods, and although active I didn't really make conscious choices with the health of my body in mind. Well I am no longer going to do that.

I love my body! 

And its high time that I live in a way that honors that! Here we go! 

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