Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For all the Riding Queens

Love this picture of Queen Elizabeth riding ponies with two small children. Wish she would wear a helmet, but when you are the Queen of England and 85 years old, I guess you get a bit of a pass.

Long Live the Queen.

Monday, May 9, 2011

To do or not to do.......

....that is the question that I am pondering for the moment. To compete or not to compete, at the show coming up May 15th. I would do the two Walk/Trot classes again, the ones in the Crossrails division that I placed third in during my first ever competition a month ago.

Here are the reason to NOT compete:
-daughter is working on a lot of new things with Pippi right now; new martingale, new riding style, longer stride in canter, just flat work adjustments really, so I do not want to "unteach" new skills
-I want to give Pippi and Daughter every advantage and a fresh horse could make a difference
-we could sleep in a bit more, as crossrails are the first classes of the day

Here are the reasons TO compete:
-"everybody" wants me to, and is cheering me on (mostly other newbies, and close friends)
-Pippi needs to warm up for the other classes, and Walk/Trot is a great warm up
- Pippi loves her "mamma" and seems to settle down nicely for me, and is therefore a calmer horse after I ride her
-it costs money, and this is an expensive month.

So, there it is.
I can't really tell you whether I want to or not, but I am leaning towards not competing. Just don't know if I feel like it. The ribbons last time was a nice surprise, but.............oh I don't know.....